Keep pushing..

December 21, 2012

So long as you can continue to find your feet, there is hope to succeed.  It is only when we refuse to rise again that we've truly lost.

Innocence lost..

December 19, 2012

It never fails to amaze me how people in an effort to understand something, resort to oversimplification. There may be experts who can attempt to explain the disconnections of a criminal mind, who can highlight the curiosities and differences of the mentally ill. That does not mean it is for you to understand, a moderately well adjusted mind is not wired to truly understand madness.

The fear mongering is nothing but polarising, whether it’s the left vying for tighter gun control or the right lamenting the absence of god in schools. Academics want further research into mental health, while the pharmaceuticals offer band-aids while lining pockets. If each of these were a solution in and of themselves, where would we be relative to where we are?

So long as the division stands, chaos and discord will breed in the cracks and it won’t matter what legislation is passed or how many recite a prayer before opening up their notebooks. Too many are caught up with wanting to be right and blaming someone else that they’re missing the point and the darkness that lies in the details.

A blog is born..

December 16, 2012

Writing is something I’ve been doing on and off for years. I’ve had endless lonely journals, unfinished diaries and abandoned blogs. The concept of a life chronicle is very appealing, but my writings never had the consistency of that ideal. It’s never difficult to write, but like many I’m quite critical of my words. Seeking that perfect balance that allows the thoughts in my mind to filter properly into words that lend themselves to proper illustration is a constant struggle.

Confession: I think too, that I’m also very critical of my life thus far..

The interesting thing is, that some bits and pieces that I’ve saved and looked back on years later, I’m grateful for, others not so much. It’s rather amazing to see just how fluid we are in our perspectives. Something that might have been an absolute may be entirely unimportant or discarded today. Even emotions that at one point seemed insurmountable can fade in their intensity, only to be recalled once in a while.

Achievements, dreams, failures, humour, inspirations, joy, reflections, rants, sorrow, successes.. welcome to Eloquence Unbound.